Bryce Meis

Content Creator

About Bryce Meis

I was born and raised in Nebraska with a strong passion for farming, photography and God’s great outdoors. Ever since I was young, I always enjoyed hunting, fishing or helping local neighbors on their farms. It wasn’t until high school when I got really into taking photos and videoing my hunts. 

I continued my passion for the outdoors in college where I studied Digital Cinema. Since then I have been lucky enough to travel the world to work with some amazing companies and clients within the outdoor industry. 

My passion for the outdoors and farming led me to Kiloterra. This opportunity allows me to dive deep into marketing, graphics, and gives me creative freedom to produce content for a company that falls in line with my style. Not always easy to come by. 

Faith, hard work, and the ability to learn are the core values I was raised on. My passion for the outdoors continuously grows and I want to share this passion with everyone I can!

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