Are you searching for an income producing property, with hunting potential, within 30 min of Des Moines? This property is located just a short drive South from St Charles, IA and has a gated access that opens up to a 30 acre tillable field providing excellent income for this tract. A narrow fenced lane, just left, guides you to the back 40 acre pasture where the deep draws, hedge trees, and cedar provide a quiet sanctuary for deer. Lining the Northeast edge of the property is just over a 12 acre strip of CRP providing good cover for Turkeys and bedding for Deer. A creek dumps into the South edge of the back 40 and winds it’s way to the Northeast providing a good water source for cattle and wildlife. Additional 154 /- acres to the East is also available.
From Des Moines, head South on I-35 to St Charles Exit. Exit 52 and head West 1.5 Miles on Co Rd G50 to S Morgan St. Turn Left and head South out of St Charles on Truro Rd. Continue South on Truro Rd for 1.8 Miles. Turn Left on Woodland Ave for 0.7 miles. Turn left on 275th St and head East 1 Mile. 275th St will turn into Quincy St. The property will be on the North Side of the gravel.
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